FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Will you do custom or commission work?

Thank you for your interest, and yes, Kyle is happy to do commission work for individuals, business, corporate or government. If you’re interested in commissioning a drawing, painting or wall art, then please contact us for pricing and timing details by phone or email.

Do you work to a deadline?

We appreciate that many corporate clients have a deadline commitment. Art is a creative process and requires care and substantial time to produce. However Kyles years of experience allow him to complete commissions on time and within budget. 

Do you accept regional commissions with government funding?

We are happy to work with you to access government funding for the arts. Funding is at times available thru government agencies for regional artwork. Check your state or territory organisation’s website to find out when applications open and close in your area. When you apply for funding, you will need to show that your activities will have long-term cultural, economic and social benefit.

You can find the funding guidelines on the websites of the organisations that deliver the program in each state and territory:

Please contact us for further details on funding. We have developed a simple check list that allows groups and commitiees to easily navigate the application process.

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